Hazardous materials from Taiwan were dumped in a village in Cambodia about a month ago. UnsuspeoAng villagers now complain of a host of diseases

Garbage dumps are the only source of livelihood for hundreds of poor children living in Phnom Penh. Scores of children can be seen atop heaps of foul-smelling wastes, competing with the municipal

scientists have discovered new evidence of a prehistoric civilisation and remnants of ancient temples in Angkor, Cambodia. For this purpose, they have used highly detailed maps produced with

Devastated by three decades of war and currently mounting corruption, the state of environment in Cambodia seems to be faring the worst. Accor-ding to environmentalists, unche

A taste for exotic dishes has nearly wiped out some of the rare species such as soft-nosed turtles, snakes and rare scaley anteaters known as pangolins. The government is implementing strict measures

Even as the country is emerging from the ruins of decades of war, it is faced with another kind of threat. Continuing violence and an open market economy have brought the country on the brink of

This report contains a detailed assessment of the status and potential for the development of biofuels in Cambodia and presents a country strategy for biofuels development

The Burning of the Rice, A Cambodian Success Story by Don Puckridge

Hunter hunted: One of Cambodia's most infamous wildlife hunters has been sentenced to seven years imprisonment for trapping and killing over 600 animals, many endangered. Earlier, much concern had

Gone are the glorious days when a giant fish catch took place in Tonle Sap
