Development in Asia faces a crucial issue: the right of indigenous peoples to build a better life while protecting their ancestral lands and cultural identity. An intimate relationship with land expressed in communal ownership has shaped and sustained these cultures over time.

High fossil fuel prices, energy security concerns, and
environmental issues

The Programme of National 3R Strategy Development was initiated as one of the outcomes of the Ministerial Conference on the 3R Initiative held in Tokyo, Japan, in March 2005.

This report calls for Asia's first regional climate change adaptation agreement in the Greater Mekong region, which, as one of the regions with richest biological diversity on the earth, is already strongly affected by climate change. It urges politicians to strike an ambitious and fair agreement on a climate treaty at upcoming talks in Copenhagen.

Following the Pol Pot era in Cambodia, the high levels of poverty, rapid urban growth and low level of community organization were exacerbated by an absence of government support for the poor. The Urban Poor Development Fund (UPDF) was established in 1998 to provide support to a growing number of community-based savings groups.

Cambodia has signed agreements for a project that aims to protect 60,000 hectares of forest and reward local communities from the sale of carbon credits over several decades, the developers said in a statement.

Amid global economic uncertainty, water infrastructure projects can mean more than just water solutions

REPORTS from Cambodia that malaria is developing resistance to artemisinins have set alarm bells ringing. Artemisinins are the best drugs we have to treat malaria, and until recently there have been no reports of resistance.

London: Studies of patients in western Cambodia suggest that malaria could be developing resistance to the most effective type of drug, putting millions of lives at risk.

The H5N1 bird flu virus can infect people without causing noticeable symptoms, but only rarely, according to a report published on Thursday.

A survey of more than 600 people in Cambodian villages where two children died from the virus shows seven more were apparently infected, but without having known about it.
