The Ministry of Coal on October 1, 2021 has issued the Mineral Concession (Amendment) Rules, 2021 to further amend the Mineral Concession Rules, 1960.

Investment in new coal-fired power plants persists globally despite misalignment with a net-zero economy and the falling costs of renewable energy technologies.

Developing countries with sizeable coal capacities, such as South Africa, Chile, and India, are exploring retirement of coal plants by repurposing them for productive uses including renewable energy generation, storage and ancillary services. However, a framework to establish the economic rationale for repurposing does not currently exist.

Taxing coal is a simple and effective means to promote a clean energy transition in Indonesia, and the experience of India demonstrates that it is politically and economically feasible.

A parliamentary panel has suggested to ministries of power and coal to chalk out a plan and set up special purpose vehicle (arm) under each central public sector undertaking mainly in the power sector to develop coal mines.

In this brief, explore the direct employment impacts of a coal-to-renewable transition in South Korea in line with a Paris compatible coal phase out before 2030. Compare this with the projected outcomes under current policies.

India’s future coal-fired power project pipeline carries a massive stranded asset risk due to the collapse in the average utilisation rate of its coal-fired power fleet leading to an underestimation of financial risk for new projects, finds a new report from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA).

The study maps the costs of an early decommissioning of coal-based power plants in India. The assessment based on the availability of the data pertains to individual cost contributors for an early decommissioning for 130 plants representing a total of 45 per cent of India’s current installed 208 GW capacity.

This study examines the thermal, financial and operational performance of the Indian coal fleet with a capacity of 194 GW over the course of 30 months (September 2017 – February 2020) leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic. It explores factors leading to under-utilisation of some of the new and efficient assets.

This study examines the thermal, financial and operational performance of the Indian coal fleet with a capacity of 194 GW over the course of 30 months (September 2017 – February 2020) leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic. It explores factors leading to under-utilisation of some of the new and efficient assets.
