
An increase in sea surface temperature is evident at all latitudes and in all oceans. The current understanding is that ocean warming plays a major role in intensified cyclone activity and heightened storm surges.

Vidya Venkat

TIRUNELVELI: The Central Government should withdraw its recently introduced Coastal Management Notification as it would badly affect the livelihood and the very existence of the fishermen, the fisherwomen

New Delhi (PTI): Government has given the green signal for construction and operation of helipads in coastal regions as well rooftops of high rise buildings near coasts with an aim to carry out relief and rescue operations during natural calamities.

However, keeping in view the environment sensitive nature of the coastal region, no commercial activities will be allowed.

MUMBAI: Following several PILs filed in the Bombay high court, the state revenue department has declared 1,806 hectares of privately owned mangroves in the city as forests. The notification was issued by divisional commissioner S S Sandhu on February 24.

"With this move preservation of mangroves can be carried out like a forest. Simply put, such areas cannot be developed,'' Sandhu said.


Coastal environment plays a vital role in nation

This new UNEP report focuses on East Asia's economically viable coastal habitats and ecosystems under threat from pollution, alien invasive species and other factors. Suggests a systematic and integrated approach to managing coastal & oceanic issues and economic incentives to encourage private sector involvement in environmental protection efforts.

Participants in a seminar on Monday called on the authorities concerned to stop unplanned commercial shrimp cultivation in the country
