This article reflects on issues governing pesticides safe and sound management in India, various international agreements to which India is a party and the avenues of improvement in the regulatory framework.
This study initiated by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries covers overall review of existing FPO 1955 and suggests amendments based upon developments and modernization in Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry.
This draft CARICOM standard was prepared by the Regional technical Committee (RTC) for Agricultural Commodities, hosted by the CARICOM Member State, Dominica.
This manual is developed to provide fundamental information about Codex in a standardized, logical and systematic manner. It comprises eight sections. Each section consists of specific training modules with a provision for the inclusion of optional modules that may be combined and customized to meet the requirements.
The Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) has met annually since 1963 to conduct scientific evaluations of pesticide residues in food. It provides advice on the acceptable levels of pesticide residues in food moving in international trade.
One of the significant areas in which pesticide residue analysis differs significantly from macro-analysis is that of contamination and interference. Trace amounts of contamination in the final samples used for the determination stage of the
This standard applies to commercial varieties of mangoes grown from Mangifera indica L., of the Anacardiaceae family, to be supplied fresh to the consumer, after preparation and packaging. Mangoes for industrial processing are excluded.