In the post monsoon months of September and October, the Ganga often rises to flood vast tracts of border land in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. As the flood waters recede, they leave behind new islands, which frequently become a subject of violent dispute.

Respecting the territorial rights of crocodiles will help reduce the chances of conflict between the interests of humans and reptiles.

A special committee is being set up to solve clashes between the industrialised and developing countries over national and international gains in environmental projects.

Violence erupts in a quiet fishing village in south Kerala over the rights of traditional fisherfolk to resources of the sea.

SOMALI activist Rakiya Omaar, who helped establish Africa Watch and served as its executive director for four years, has been dismissed for opposing the United Nations military intervention in

THERE can be no sharper indictment of the government's attempts to protect the environment than this: After 20 years of spending money and effort, Project Tiger is in shambles. Experts say the fate

CRITICISING or condemning lopsided developmental priorities and highlighting their consequences is one thing; outright rejection of the very concept of development, science and technology is quite

The recent conference in Geneva, held to discuss moving up the date set for phasing out CFCs, got stuck over the question of aid to developing countries

FOR once the Japanese are running scared from the Americans. Minolta, the camera manufacturer, recently coughed up US $127.5 million to Honeywell, the US controls technology group, which had

THERE is considerable speculation amongst the anti-Narmada activists as to how the recent clashes between the police and the villagers of Manibell will influence the attitude of the principal
