PAKISTAN failed to warn India about the magnitude of locust swarms that flew into Kutch and Rajasthan between July 5 and August 23, complain Indian agriculture ministry officials, according to

PAKISTAN'S cotton crop will reach the target of 960 million kg despite the locust threat and reports of a virus attack, according to the country's central cotton committee. The final output,

Swarms of locusts that descended over Rajasthan about two months ago seem to have played havoc not only with standing crops but with the flow of information as well: there is hardly any assertion

THE recent locust attack has made India and Pakistan suspend their rivalry and launch a large-scale joint operation along their border between Punjab and Sindh. "This is a common problem. We'll have

Officials claim the locust problem is under control, but unless millions of hoppers young locusts stalking the deserts are exterminated quickly, things could really get out of control

Experts warn the deluge of pesticides in the desert will have adverse effects and cannot prevent future locust attacks

The use of viruses as control agents against crop attacking insects is increasingly becoming popular.

This publication presents a compilation of information on key practical issues affecting jatropha for pro-poor development. It provides a brief overview of biofuels, their growth drivers

This paper examines the effectiveness of damage control mechanisms to reduce crop losses from agricultural pests. It uses data from a sample of Cole crop (Cauliflower and Cabbage)
growing households in the Bhaktapur district of Nepal to study the impact of pesticides on agriculture production. The results suggest that the marginal productivity of pesticides is close

Pakistan faces trying times ahead, as insecticide resistant cotton pests threaten to devastate the country s fledgling economy
