THE CONFERENCE has just ratified the Earth Charter, the name of which has been changed to the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development at the behest of developing countries. This puts

ENVIRONMENT has emerged as a major concern for the world community. And rightly so, since the global environment is affected by the actions of different countries. The theme has several

This is the chapter of the State of India's Environment: the second citizen's report 1984-85.

Report of CSE in Delhi which says that the use of potassium bromate and potassium iodate in bread can cause cancer and thyroid?

Vasudha Sharma gets us this inspiring report on how conscious developers and residents together can create zero waste green residential societies.

From water to water - If there are humans, there will be excreta. If there is water use, there will be waste. Roughly 80 per cent of the water that reaches households in Indian cities flows out as waste.

This video shows the state of the Indian rivers and the cause of their pollution. It hopes to create awareness amongst the people about river pollution and the role they play in it. This content is the copyright of CSE - Centre for Science and Environment and has been re-created for the web by Gobar Times, a monthly environment magazine for the young adult.

This public service advertisement produced by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is to promote rainwater harvesting as the lesson from the past, which provides us the solution for the future. The spot revolves around the concept of catching rain in a neighbourhood, creating a cascading effect. People begin to collect water in a variety of objects and in fact, in anything they can lay their hands on. Using a medley of emotions –wonder, comic and even the absurd – the idea that rainwater harvesting is a community effort and it is about building a sharing and caring society is subtly woven in.

Mon, 2014-03-24 (All day)

The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is a public interest research and advocacy organisation based in New Delhi. CSE researches into, lobbies for and communicates the urgency of development that is both sustainable and equitable. CSE has also actively worked in the South Asia region in collaboration with regional partners that consists of formal partnership with governments for rule-making to awareness raising and network building action with civil society, news media and educational institutions and working closely with regional partners in various countries to catalyze transfer of technical knowledge for direct implementation.
