Several organisations, at home and abroad, are promoting organic farming as a method of food production that is both ecologically and socially sustainable.

The meeting of the climate convention negotiating committee, which was meant to evolve criterion for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions, remained inconclusive with Germany trying to put the onus for the reduction on developing countries.

JOINT implementation was the main point of discussion at the recent meeting of the intergovernmental committee on climate change in Geneva. The idea of joint implementation has been promoted

ONE OF Bangladesh"s leading environmental NGOs, the Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS), has taken the lead in rectifying a major lacuna in the Rio agenda. Dealing with poverty should have

It is becoming possible to utilise the capacities that exist outside the state such as non governmental organisations to influence state policies and, in the coming years, India is going to witness dissatisfaction being increasingly expressed throug

ALL OVER the country, there are tensions around national parks and sanctuaries. People living in and around these forests see them as the last remaining sources of biomass and depend on them heavily

Merely providing schools is not enough to educate the more than 197.34 million illiterate women in India. Far too often, girls have to drop out of school to help their overworked mothers. But female literacy is crucial to a nation"s development and ensuri

IN A RECENT speech, Prime Minister Narasimha Ra called upon voluntary agencies to participate actively in the country's rural development programmes and gave a categorical assurance it "is not

THE 1990-91 edition of World Resources, brought out by the Washington-based World Resources Institute (WRI), concluded developing countries as a group contribute to nearly half of the global warming problem. This was an astonishing finding, given that it

WHATEVER their area of work, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have made the most headway in involving people in managing their natural resources. Says one NGO activist, "Local people are very
