Judgement of the National Green Tribunal (Southern Zone, Chennai) in the matter of Bimal Gogoi && Others Vs State of Arunachal Pradesh & Others dated 24/10/2017 regarding Stage I Forest Clearance and Stage II Forest Clearance granted by the MoEF & CC for Demwe Lower Hydroelectric Project (1750 MW) in Lohit District of Arunachal Pradesh which would lead to diversion of 1415.92 ha (1408.30 ha surface land + 7.62 ha underground land) of forest land.

Order of the Madras High Court in the matter of Laborate Pharmaceutical India Vs Union Of India dated 24/10/2017 regarding use of drug Diclofenac for human use. Madras High Court dismisses the plea of the drug industry about the importance of multi dose packs of diclofenac for treatment of human beings and clearly stated that vultures are universally accepted as Natural Sanitary Workers, absolutely essential for environmental and ecological balance. Therefore, preservation of vulture population is non-negotiable and decline of vulture population needs to be arrested.

A recent survey has found a high concentration of near-extinct helmeted hornbills in a conservation area in western Borneo.

N'Djamena - Chad is to boost protection for a key haven for endangered wildlife in the south of the country under an agreement with a conservation group.

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa will relocate six endangered black rhinos to Chad where the animal was hunted to local extinction decades ago, the environment ministry in Pretoria said.

The Trump administration has declined to list the Pacific walrus as endangered after deciding that the huge tusked mammals may be able to adapt to the loss of the sea ice that they currently depend

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal (Western Zone Bench, Pune) in the matter of Subhaniya Ismail Osman Vs M/s RSPL Limited & Others dated 04/10/2017 regarding laying of pipeline by M/s RSPL Limited beneath the seabed near seashore in intertidal area at Kuranga, Tal. Dwarka, District Jamnagar, Gujarat.

Despite signs that numbers of giant pandas are rising, suitable habitat has shrunk, according to satellite data.

We document a tendency for published estimates of population size in sea turtles to be increasing rather than decreasing across the globe. To examine the population status of the seven species of sea turtle globally, we obtained 299 time series of annual nesting abundance with a total of 4417 annual estimates. The time series ranged in length from 6 to 47 years (mean, 16.2 years). When levels of abundance were summed within regional management units (RMUs) for each species, there were upward trends in 12 RMUs versus downward trends in 5 RMUs.

The biggest and the smallest of the world's animals are most at risk of dying out, according to a new analysis.
