Overfishing and changing sea temperatures are pushing seabirds to the brink of extinction, according to new data on the world's birds.

TheRegional Tourism Office in Northern Region has expressed concern over the wanton cutting down of trees at Misuku Hills in Chitipa, saying the malpractice is endangering the survival and preserva

Hunters tend to target the animals that have largest tusks, horns or antlers, and this could be a disaster for wild populations AFP/Getty Images

BENGALURU: Two governments are fighting to execute one road between Chitradurga and Bantwal.

Repeated searches of markets on the dark web have found negligible trace of illegal wildlife products.

Repeated searches of markets on the dark web have found negligible trace of illegal wildlife products.

Empirical two-part models describe the relationship between conservation spending, human development pressures and biodiversity loss and can inform sustainable development strategies by predicting the effects of financing decisions on future biodiversity losses.

With an estimated population of less than 800, the newly described Tapanuli orangutan is already at risk of extinction due to habitat destruction and fragmentation.

More than 6‚000 lion skeletons have been exported from SA to Southeast Asia in the last decade.

Climate changes may be forcing bamboo lemurs - one of the most endangered primate species on Earth - to change their dietary habits, causing them to slowly starve, an international study warns.
