Another theory has implicated a commonly used veterinary medicine for the large scale disappearance of vultures from the Indian sub continent. The theory proposed by Lindsay Oaks of the Washington State University, usa, however, raises more questions than

Important fish stocks endangered


The thirst for cheap coffee in the West could be wiping out endangered wildlife in Indonesia, reveals a study by the us-based Wildlife Conservation Society. The cultivation of robusta coffee beans

bird species now face a wave of extinction not seen on the Earth since the dinosaurs became extinct some 65 million years ago, according to a report from the Worldwatch Institute, a us-based

The two wolf types found in India are represented by two isolated populations and believed to be two sub-species of Canis lupus. One of these wolf, locally called Himalayan wolf (HW) or Tibetan wolf, is found only in the upper Trans-Himalayan region from Himachal Pradesh to Leh in Kasmir and is considered to be C. lupus chanco. The other relatively larger population is of Indian Gray wolf (GW) that is found in the peninsular India and considered to be C. lupus pallipes. Both these wolves are accorded endangered species status under the Indian Wildlife Protection Act.

the ebola virus is threatening lowland gorillas of central Africa, states the World Conservation Union (iucn). The warning is significant as the area has one of the largest concentrations of these

Located on the banks of river Niranjana in Bodhgaya, south Bihar, the holy mahabodhi tree under which Buddha sat and meditated is infested with millibugs, that are sucking the sap out of it

for fisherfolk and traders in Jalpaiguri district of West Bengal, catching fish is child's play, thanks to harmful pesticides such as endosulfan. The fisherfolk contaminate the upper reaches of

A new bird species has been spotted in Nepal. The Moustached Warbler (Acrocephalus melanopogon) was recently sighted at the Shukla Phanta wildlife reserve in eastern Nepal. The latest find increases
