As part of the Global Atmospheric Passive Sampling (GAPS) study, XAD-resin based passive samplers are being deployed for consecutive one-year periods at numerous sites on all seven continents to determine annually averaged concentrations of persistent organic pollutants.

A Srinivas

An estimated 10 per cent of Karnataka's coffee growers are using endosulfan

As India holds on to endosulfan ban and the Union environment ministry proposes an expert committee to study its ill-effects, read this background note by CSE about global and Indian evidence on its toxicity and dangers to human health.


This paper analyses the pesticide use pattern in agriculture and associated management system in Kerala. The recent declining rate in total consumption of pesticides is not a sign of relief as the use of harmful chemicals is rising. The pesticides used in agriculture include chemicals, which are banned and those suggested for restricted use only.

After a lengthy scientific review, the United States last week decided to ban the use of endosulfan, an inexpensive organochlorine pesticide that builds up in the environment. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ruled that the compound

S.H. Venkatramani
The exclusive and focused cultivation of a single crop in any given geography has completely stymied genetic variety and biodiversity in our farms and fields. Apart from destroying natural biodiversity, singlecrop monoculture carries the high risk of extensive crops being routed by a single pest.

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are toxic chemicals that resist degradation and bioaccumulate. Despite attempts to limit the use and distribution of these chemicals, they are still widely detected in the environment. Schecter et al.

This document is an update to the 202 HED human health risk assessment that was used to prepare the 2002 reregistration eligibility decision document for endosulfan. HED has previously pubublished an addendum that focused on the changes in HED

The Chief Secretary, Mr P. Prabhakaran, has been asked to inquire into the circumstances surrounding the reported remark by another top Government official expressing regret over the fate of the Coca-Cola unit at Plachimada in Palakkad.
