With the adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the global community has committed to achieving universal electricity access by 2030. This study analyses the technology and investment requirements for achieving this target in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Approval shows strong belief in the capability of Indian scientists, says Centre

This report, the first international assessment of this type, investigates the life-cycle environmental and natural resource implications of large-scale deployment of energy efficiency technologies.

Each year, the IEA’s Tracking Clean Energy Progress (TCEP) report examines developments across a range of clean energy sectors and technologies. The TCEP uses benchmarks for 2025 as modelled in Energy Technology Perspectives 2017, as well as the milestones identified in the IEA Technology Roadmaps.

A radical transformation in the way energy is supplied and used will be needed if the world is to meet its ambition of keeping global temperature increase to below 2 degrees Celsius, but the impacts of that transformation on the environment and on natural resources have been unclear.

As India is looking forward to increase the capacity of renewable energy in the power sector to 225 Giga Watts by 2022, the government?s main thrust would be to promote indigenous manufacturing of

Ind-Ra says outlook for toll roads, wind and thermal power negative for this fiscal; positive for airports

The AMU has taken up fresh scientific research projects, including on how to solve the water crisis using nanotechnology and recycle waste water using an eco-friendly and low-cost methods.

The United Republic of Tanzania possesses impressive potential for bioenergy, geothermal, solar and wind energy development, in addition to significant existing hydropower capacity.

India is one of the most dynamic and vibrant markets in the world for renewable energy. This key emerging market, home to 16% of the global population in 2017, is poised for some of the fastest energy demand growth over the coming decades.
