
REGULATIONS on marketing and labelling genetically engineered and other 'novel' foods have finally been agreed upon by European Union (EIJ) ministers. The legislation has now been passed over

THE war over getting the largest share of the depleting fish stocks seems to have crawled to a settlement, with the European Union (EV) ministers agreeing on measures to control fishing in

The first Dutch agriculture minister of urban origin, Jozias van Aartsen, has upset farmers in the country, charmed free-market enthusiasts, and at the same time added fillip to the green

EVEN as the us pushes itself forward as the patron-in-chief of the nuclear non- proliferation camp, it is going steadily ahead with its nuclear trade transactions. It recently signed a revised

The European Union (eu), through its European Community Humanitarian Office (echo), wishes to establish itself as one of the principle providers of humanitarian assistance to politically troubled

A chain of 'digital cities' will link up the European Union

A simple, selective and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method has been developed for the measurement of josamycin residues in four porcine tissues (i.e., muscle, liver, kidney and fat).

Pampered European farmers cried foul as the Uruguay Round of GATT raced to a tense finish.

With Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands insisting on high recycling targets, an agreement on waste packaging among European Community members seems a distant dream.

A look at local involvement in water supply, waste disposal and electricity generation in Denmark
