Officials claim the locust problem is under control, but unless millions of hoppers young locusts stalking the deserts are exterminated quickly, things could really get out of control

Experts warn the deluge of pesticides in the desert will have adverse effects and cannot prevent future locust attacks

THE EUROPEAN Community (EC) has decided to seek membership to the International Whaling Commission (IWC). At present, the EC is a member only of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation though

ASIA TOPS the list of continents with the highest deforestation rate. The initial estimates of the 1990 tropical forest resources census show about 3.6 million ha -- or about 1.2 per cent -- of

Tough talking Malaysian negotiator Wen Lian Ting explains why the North's stand on forests is morally unjust and politically untenable

Thu, 2014-10-30 (All day)
Wed, 2014-11-19 (All day)
15 Apr 2014

Small changes in urban human behavior and increased energy efficiency will have a positive impact on our natural resources.


Mukul Sanwal[1]


Food security requires comprehensive planning

Mercury is one of the most dangerous environmental pollutants, both in its elemental form and in chemical combination. When mercury is released into the environment it gets transformed into methyl mercury through microbial action. The methylation of mercury is a key step in the entrance of mercury into food chains. This methyl mercury is mercury in its most pernicious form.
