Highest level of toxic pbde found in Virginia fish

African dust clouds cause red tides that kill millions of fish in the Gulf of Mexico

at least 1,000 tonnes of fish were recently found dead near the shores

Fishing has been banned in 28 rivers and canals flowing through the Sunderbans of Bangla

japan's whaling fleets recently set out for the Pacific Ocean on its second hunt of this year. Their targets are bryde, sperm and minke whales. Japan has under

The fish population in the rivers and flood planes of Bangladesh is rapidly falling. Statistics collected by a local district fishery office revealed that the production of fish in the Nawabganj

Half the watershed area of the world's freshwater systems is estimated to have been lost in the twentieth century, as land was converted to agriculture and urban use, or levelled to combat diseases

two-thirds of the uk 's fish stocks are on the verge of extinction and most of the country's coastal habitats have been destroyed. This was stated in a report of the World Wide Fund for

Does India need to import exotic fish species, when the experience with them has not been particularly good? Besides, the country already boasts of a treasure trove of fish diversity

according to the environmental group, Friends of Earth ( f o e ) an ici factory in Middlesborough is the uk 's largest
