When nothing seemed to stop the desertification of the Banni grasslands, a government institution stepped in and showed the people how they can regenerate their land
India may be the largest producer of milk in the world, but at an incredible cost. In achieving this distinction, the country s vast cattle population has been allowed to mow down its verdant grasslands. Development projects like the colossal Indira Gandh
Recently, six Thai elephants gave a big trunks-up to the first packaged food substituted for the rapidly disappearing plants they are used to eat, said a zoo official in Bangkok. "The elephants
A simple procedure helps in the conversion of surplus fodder during the monsoons into hay, which can help overcome fodder shortage in the summer and winter months
Silk industry wastes containing large quantities of waste pupae can be used as poultry feed, according to researchers of the Department of Chemistry, Cotton College, Guwahati. The scientists have