Arusha — Armyworms and pernicious weeds are threatening crops in Arusha.

It is feared that they will cause a food shortage.


A team of University of Georgia researchers has developed a new way to breed plants with better traits.

London — The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has warned that dry weather conditions and high temperatures are likely to reduce harvests in southern Africa, leading to a rise

Last July, a Whole Foods store in New York’s Harlem decided to stock bags of fonio, a West African grain similar to couscous. The first shipment sold out in three hours.

DAR ES SALAAM Tanzania (Xinhua) -- Tanzania and the European Union (EU) on Wednesday launched three rice projects in Tanzania aimed at increasing competitiveness and improving the post-harvest valu

The Fall Army Worm (FAW), a destructive and dreadful crop pest which poses a great threat to food security, was spotted in the Gambia some months ago.

Cassava is one of the developing world's most important crops. Its starchy roots and leaves are a staple food for more than 500 million people in Africa each day.

A new study reveals a rise in temperature could devastate rice yields in West Africa’s Sahel region

A study has warned that the dry-season irrigated rice in West Africa’s Sahel region has reached the critical threshold of 37 degrees Celcius – the tipping point.
