Meteorologist and biosphere scientist Carlos Nobre of Brazil's National Institute for Space Research in S

Satellite images show fires along Nilgiri, Agastyarkoodam; grasslands in Upper Sanatorium area and Kambimoodu destroyed

Among the different causes of forest fires, accidental causes result into more than 90 per cent fires followed by natural causes. Socio-economic factors, viz., land holding and social participation play an important role in the management of forest fires. This finding was further conformed by the regression analysis. However, education was found inversely related. The lack of interaction with forest department was reported as an important factor for the non participation of the respondent in the forest fire control.

The Western Ghats constitute one of the three biodiversity hotspots in India, which is under constant threat from various quarters. Among the several anthropogenic factor, which plays a pivotal role in vegetation succession and ecosystem processes. It is very important to understand the ecological changes due to fire and other anthropogenic factors for conservation and management of biodiversity.

Effect of forest fire on woody vegetation and regeneration behaviour was studied in Chir pine forest situated between 1150-1800 m in Solan Forest Division in Himachal Pradesh, India. Fire is considered to be one of the main causes of disturbance in Chir pine forests. The disturbance has become a requirement for vigorous ecosystem functioning and should be considered a normal part of an ecosystem's physical environment.

The eastern ranges of Dhari in the Gir sanctuary have experienced over four mishaps in the past one-and-a-half months. Yet the cause of these forest fires has not been traced nor culprits booked.

Focus on the whole forest and think big. That's the intent of a bill, introduced in the U.S. Senate, that would direct the Forest Service to fund large, collaborative projects to reduce fire risk, improve forest health and stimulate economic development.

The wet 20th century, the wettest of the past millennium, the century when Americans built an incredible civilization in the desert, is over : a report. Feb 2008

The Biligiri Rangaswamy (BR) Hills are in the Yelanur Taluka of Chamrajanagar District of Karnataka. In the midst of these hills lies the 540 square kilometre Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple Wildlife Sanctuary (BRT WLS). This area is also the traditional home of the indigenous Soliga people who have lived here for generations. Once declared a sanctuary, the resources of the area legally belong to the State. In the past, however the Forest Department has allowed the Soligas to collect NTFP. This scenario changed in 2006.

The decentralization of control over the vast forests of the world is moving at a rapid pace with both positive and negative ramifications for people and forests themselves. Fresh research from a host of Asia-Pacific countries presents rich and varied experience with decentralization and provides important lessons for other regions. Beginning with historical and geographical overview chapters, the book proceeds to more in-depth coverage in the region's countries.
