Mumbai The operators of the city

After stiff opposition from activists, the Thane Municipal Corporation (TMC) has scrapped its ambitious project of conducting the tree census through Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global Information System (GIS). Instead, it is now planning to opt for the manual census done with the help of digital photography.

A recent report on the status of Ganges river dolphins (Plantanista Gangetica Gangetica) in the Brahmaputra and adjoining rivers has suggested that after a long period of decline, the population of the endangered species could have stabilised.

Geographical information and remote sensing systems play a special role in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region in support for informed decision making.

The Shahjahanabad Redevelopment Corporation is putting in place 3-dimensional Geographic Information System (GIS) for round-the-clock monitoring of 1,200 monuments under its ambit. The idea is being seen as a comprehensive solution to check encroachment and damage to the city

A field study was conducted at the Alanthurai watershed in order to estimate the soil erosion status using GIS and USLE. The annual soil loss values estimated from the USLE is represented pictorially using Arc view 3.2a version of GIS software.

Waves and ripples at a distance. A promise of relief for the parched throat. A herd of camels splash and spill water under their hoofs. We reached them after a long drive. But there was not a drop of water. The camels hesitated a moment, then continued their trudge. At some distance, again water splashed under their hooves. A lakeshore. Waves were playing tender music. Some animals,

The Forest Department has decided to prepare integrated catchment area treatment (CAT) plans based on geographical information system (GIS) for all major river basins of the state to ensure effective implementation and monitoring.

Zubeda Hamid |

IN a tiny laboratory of the physics department in Lady Doak College, a project is on to map eye infections that cause blindness among children in Pudukottai district.

The Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) will soon launch a comprehensive multi-layered web-based GIS for the use of disaster management.
