exposing the double-talk of the five nuclear states, especially the us, requires little doing; the recently concluded Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (ctbt) in Geneva offered a remarkable instance.

THE South Pacific region will now be out of bounds for countries wanting to conduct nuclear tests. At long last France, the UK and the us (with Russia and China) finally affixed their signatures,

The conflict-ridden continent can still hope for peace. In a concerted effort to ban nuclear weapons in the continent, government leaders and ministers from all 53 African countries are set to

Sinking "straddling" fish stocks find chances of survival as an international treaty is approved to check overfishing

EVEN as the us pushes itself forward as the patron-in-chief of the nuclear non- proliferation camp, it is going steadily ahead with its nuclear trade transactions. It recently signed a revised

A new regional treaty to usher in dams on the Mekong river has drawn flak from environmental groups

France obstinately plans to ahead with nuclear testings in the South Pacific just after the NPT conference held by the Big 5

THE Japanese government is furious with China for going ahead with its underground nuclear test, making a complete farce out of the recently-concluded Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) conference held

Trampling opposition, the nuclear armed nations succeeded in extending the NPT

The recently concluded conference to extend the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (npt) has once again driven home the message that hypocrisy is the buzzword in the present world order. After nearly 2
