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SciDev.Net partnered with the London School of Economics (LSE) and Museu da Vida (Brazil) to examine science communication around the world: journalists' background, workload, and opinions on science communication, work environment and capacity building needs.

There is a core concept of good governance, the combination of authority and responsibility to pursue the common good, that has remained stable over millennia. Building on this concept the paper develops several indices of the quality of governance and applies these indices to rank major states in India. The governance indices have been derived from the three main pillars of the government, i e, the legislature, the judiciary and the executive. Performance on each dimension of governance has been measured using indicators that are all based exclusively on factual data, not perceptions.

Jammu and Kashmir has been able to progress gradually in improving the Panchayat Acts, starting from electing the panchayat members by show of hands to direct elections by the people and empowering elected members by means of defining certain powers. However, their functioning in practice demonstrates the glaring deficiencies in the state Panchayat Act and these institutions face a number of problems.

This report titled, “Human Rights in India – Status Report 2012,” provided a general overview of the most critical human rights issues in India. It included: information gathered from the various consultations held across India from August to

Of late, public-private partnership is meant to encourage private capital to take responsibility for matters that were earlier regarded as primary duties of the State. The centre set up by the Pearson Company in partnership with the Central Board of Secondary Education is meant to enable the latter to progress towards the fulfi lment of longterm policy measures like developing a school-based evaluation system.

randomly search and seize “in-transit” cash in Gujarat ahead of the Assembly elections, making it clear this should apply only to candidates, workers and agents of political parties carrying cash o

Ramesh Wants Toilets in All Schools by Mar 2013
Approaches Sibal for a dedicated fund of . 12,000 for every school per yr

New Delhi: If you have a domestic help below the age of 14 years, then the authorities may soon visit your house and send her to school.

New Delhi: Even though nearly 33% of households among the lower income groups in the city feel that a girl child is abused in school and nearly 48% say they are abused on way to school, 57% of them

A study on the status of the education of the girl child has revealed that 29 per cent of the respondents in the city are unaware about the Right to Education Act, which states that education is a
