Lok Sabha passed the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation (Amendment) Bill, 2021, on 12 Feb. It was passed by the Rajya Sabha on February 8, 2021. The Bill amends the J&K Reorganisation Act, 2019 that bifurcated the former State into Union Territories of J&K and Ladakh.

In commercial agriculture, contracts coordinate production and trade, linking input suppliers to producers, all the way to end buyers. A better understanding of these chains of contracts can enable development practitioners and policymakers to increase scope for rural producer agency.

This brief examines the importance of peri-urban ecosystems and outlines possible policy responses in India to preserve and manage these areas to contribute to sustainable and climate-resilient development.

This report analyzes four core areas of corporate governance in South Asia in light of global trends and best practices. It assesses the necessary regulatory preconditions for strong financial and economic development.

Decarbonising the world’s economy involves action from all aspects of society and the economy.

The CAT Climate Governance series seeks to produce a practical framework for assessing a government’s readiness - both from an institutional and governance point of view - to ratchet up climate policy and implement adequate transformational policies on the ground, to enable the required economy-wide transformation towards a zero emissions societ

The CAT Climate Governance series seeks to produce a practical framework for assessing a government’s readiness – both from an institutional and governance point of view – to ratchet up climate policy and implement adequate transformational policies on the ground, to enable the required economy-wide transformation towards a zero emissions societ

The CAT Climate Governance series seeks to produce a practical framework for assessing a government’s readiness - both from an institutional and governance point of view - to ratchet up climate policy and implement adequate transformational policies on the ground, to enable the required economy-wide transformation towards a zero emissions societ

As a second wave of COVID-19 causes further economic and social disruption, smart data-driven cities, powered by smart infrastructure and solutions, are using data analytics and predictive modelling to help shape their pandemic response to limit the loss of human life and minimize economic disruption.

‘Vision 2035: Public Health Surveillance in India’is a continuation of the work on health systems strengthening. It contributes by suggesting mainstreaming of surveillance by making individual electronic health records the basis for surveillance.
