Dry irrigation canals in the Malwa heartland of Punjab have made agriculturists weep. Most of the canals and tributaries in the area have been lying dry and causing drinking water crisis for the past two months, farmers cry. The farmers also lament that they are forced to buy drinking water as the filtration tanks are almost dry. Karnail Singh of Jajjal village said: "It is unfortunate that residents of this area in Punjab, known as the land of five major rivers of the country, are now quenching their thirst by buying water from neighbouring Haryana.' Another resident of the area Gurmail Singh said a tractor owner of Takhatmal village was selling 5,000 litres tank of water to them for Rs 450. The farmers cry that their crops will be affected in case steps are not taken to immediately release water in the canals. The canal water is the main source of drinking water in many of the villages in the area. They point out that the underground water in the area is not fit for consumption because of heavy content of pesticides. The water being procured through private sources is unfiltered that lead to many diseases. The filtration plant constructed with foreign knowhow near Talwandi Sabo township is also lying dry. The small farmers in the adjoining Malkana, Gyana and Lalewal villages are also facing acute shortage of drinking water. Gurmail Singh said residents of Jajjal village did not get adequate supply of drinking water even during normal times as no overhead tank had been built by the Water and Sewerage Board in the area. The water pumped by the filtration plant did not reach the tail-end residents, he added.

After power equipment, engineering major Thermax is strengthening its presence in the water treatment business. "If power is the theme today, we believe the next big story would be water,' said Managing Director and Chief Executive M S Unnikrishnan, in a post-press meet chat with Business Standard. The water infrastructure in SEZs and new cities could come through public-private partnership.

more than 80 per cent of the groundwater in Aligarh is susceptible to contamination. A new study shows more than 56 per cent of the city's groundwater resources are at a high risk of pollution

the High Court of Bombay at Goa recently asked two industries in Goa to close down their operations. The plants

Industrial units illegally dump hazardous waste in remote fields, often crossing state borders, to dodge the law and cut costs. ravleen kaur travels to Tumkur and Chamrajnagar in Karnataka to find out how untreated wast

Discharge of untreated sewage is single most important cause for pollution of surface & ground water since there is a large gap between generation and treatment of domestic wastewater in India. The problem is not only of adequacy of treatment capacity but also operation and maintenance of treatment plants.

The Kerala government has initiated the process of filing criminal charges against Coca-Cola for water pollution. The Kerala State Pollution Control Board issued a notice in the first week of

A study of ground water of industrial zone of Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh has been carried out to examine quality of water for drinking purposes. The samples were collected from bore wells, tubewells, hand pumps and jet pumps. The data was analyzed for various physico-chemical parameters.

The moniker

oil shock: Four fuel stations in Massachusetts, USA, have been fined US $600,000 for failure to clean up spills of petrol and other petroleum products. The stations in Medford and Meldon areas of
