The most influential process safety accident passed its 20th anniversary on Dec 3, 2004. At an international symposium to mark the event in Kanpur, India during the week of this anniversary, process safety practitioners from around the world assembled to discuss progress in resolving the Bhopal tragedy and in advancing the practice of process safety worldwide.

Jabalpur is a fluorosis endemic district, falls in the central part of Madhya Pradesh. Many of the people in this area are suffering from large scale fluorosis. By analyzing the last eleven years data, the researchers tried to study the resource profile that enhances the fluoride contamination in the area under reference.

Millions of people are crippled and leading vegetable life, due to fluoride in many parts of the country. The main cause of disease is intake of water with high fluoride content, i.e. more than 1.5 mg/L. Jabalpur district falls in the central part of Madhya Pradesh, many of the people in this area are suffering from large-scale fluorosis.

Water has pivotal role for the survivality of the mankind. The hydrobiological cycle stores about 0.6% of water as ground water. The ground water level increase by percolation which is extensively used for biodrinking and irrigation. The pesticide in the chemical element causes artificial and natural ground water pollution.

Too much iron, nitrate, hardness, coliform in Bangalore

Around 300 Bhopal gas tragedy victims, including women and children, were assaulted by the police on May 17, 2005, while holding a peaceful protest demonstration to demand clean drinking water.

Genome of a microbe that thrives on chlorine mapped

Was the attck on Chipri oxalic acid plant right?

Abjure groundwater, prudent surface water use can solve drinking water and irrigation problems

Karnataka s groundwater situation alarming, says report
