Arun Kumar Badoni has taken upon himself the task of conserving medicinal and aromatic plants in the Garhwal Himalaya

"If the Indo-Pak conflict over Siachen continues, the Indian soldiers will soon be fighting on melted glacier floor,' says Syed Iqbal Hasnain of the School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru

The 25 km long Gangotri glacier, fountainhead of the Ganga, is receding at an average 18 metres annually

As the glaciers recede, the frequency of natural hazards such as floods and cloudbursts will increase

Himalayan glaciers, source of water for the innumerable rivers that flow across the Indo-Gangetic plains, are receding. And that too at a phenomenal rate. As they continue to recede, incidents of landslides, changes in river regimes and floods will increa

Glaciologists are arguing on the speed at which the Himalayan glaciers are reteating. Doubts have been raised on the IPCC Report. Read this report on Himalayan glaciology by Syed Hasnain which is leading to the controversy.

Although the Chipko movement is practically non-existent in its region of origin it remains one of the most frequently deployed examples of an environmental and/or a women's movement in the South. A small but growing number of commentators are now critiquing much neopopulist theorising on Chipko, and this paper provides an overview of these critiques. It then takes the debate further with reference to a more recent regional movement in the hills.

RAMPANT deforestation by the timber mafia, poor mapping systems and inadequate maintenance of roads in the region may be the reason for recent landslides in the hills of Uttar Pradesh. People

How do you define and measure sustainable development? A host of non governmental organisations led by the Switzerland based World Conservation Union are trying to evolve a new approach to do just that

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has proposed a us $25 million-plan to set up a chain of small hydel units in the Indian Himalayas in a bid to wean the local population away from their
