It s not about fighting the problem later, it s about pre empting the problem. Measures against air pollution and plastics are all about taking proactive measures

It is an intriguing view from the high mountains of Bhutan. To the east lies Nepal, grappling large scale environmental degradation. To the north and south, China and India, overwhelmed by the pressure of 2 billion people. Several examples of what Bhutan

Even flash floods cannot refresh the authorities' understanding of the dynamic and fragile ecosystem of the Himalaya

Military forces and destructive weapons system stationed in and around the Himalayan range in Tibet has posed a grave threat to the region's ecology. "The destruction of ecology has progressed

New eco friendly market towns can stop downhill migration

Did climatic changes in the Himalaya help the intruders in the Kargil crisis?

Melting Himalayan glaciers are threatening to unleash a torrent of floods into mountain valleys, and ultimately dry up rivers across South Asia. A new study, due to be presented in July to the International Commission on Snow and Ice (ICSI), predicts that most of the glaciers in the region will vanish within 40 years as a result of global warming.

Participants from five countries, including India, discuss ways to improve water harvesting systems

A study of ice cores from the Himalaya reveal a substantial rise

According to the Chinese scientists, ice cores from the Himalaya, the world's highest mountain range, indicate a significant increase in pollution levels over the past few decades. Wang Ninglian, an
