With successful implementing energy conservation measures, Brazil has proved that developing countries need not head for a burnout

Virtually inexhaustible solar energy could be the cheapest cooking fuel the world has known

Many organisations promote the use of fuel efficient stoves for cooking, which is the biggest consumer of energy in India.

Living conditions remain abysmally poor in India, with a big difference between urban and rural areas. Nearly three-quarters of urban households lived in pucca houses, compared to only about a

A TIMES poll showed 92 per cent of British citizens opposed the two-stage imposition of a value-added tax on domestic fuel and heating. Unperturbed by these figures, British chancellor Kenneth Clarke

IN THE context of the forest department's increasing sensitivity to participatory programmes such as joint forest management, the "anti-people" stance of the article by a senior forester like A N

A non conventional energy complex set up in Brahampur village lies in a shambles today because authorities disregarded the people's requirements

Extensive domestic use of coal in China has led to an increase in the incidence of respiratory illnesses, which are now among the leading causes of death in the country

UK CHANCELLOR Kenneth Clarke blocked renewed moves to impose an energy tax at a meeting of European Community finance ministers in Luxembourg in June. Clarke maintained his predecessor had done

Two non resident Indians blame inter organisational rivalry for the rejection of their proposal to use compact fluorescent lamps, which will reduce the load on energy generation.
