It does not matter whether the assumptions made by the Tata Energy Research Institute are accurate or whether they will hold true. What matters is that TERI"s predictions of the country"s energy

IN TIBET, solar energy is being used increasingly to heat homes, cook food, run television sets, milk cows, shear sheep and, of course, provide light. Tibet gets 3,000 hours of sunshine each year,

The primary task of the Expert Group is to assist the High Power Committee who is to oversee the implementation of pollution control measures at Agra-Mathura Region, based on scientific and technical findings.

This paper from Centre for Development Finance (CDF) - IFMR analyzes the product distribution choices available in rural BoP markets to help enterprises evaluate the key drivers of distribution for successful go-to-market strategies.

The objective of this paper is to shed some light on the benefits of improved access to electricity supply, specifically the benefits referred to as "consumer‘s surplus", which is the difference between what customers are willing to pay for the utilities associated with electricity access and the price that they actually pay.

Prolonged civil war has resulted in very poor governance and a battered economy and environment in Afghanistan. Firewood is the primary source of household energy in Afghanistan.

This study focuses on the World Bank

 This new report presents a unique perspective on energy access in developing countries. Presents the experiences of energy use and deprivation of people living in poverty & alongwith recommendations on policy, financing & capabilities towards creation of a vibrant energy access “ecosystem” of energy product and service providers, engaging public, private & civil society sectors.

Energy poverty is a frequently used term among energy specialists, but unfortunately the concept is rather loosely defined. Several existing approaches measure energy poverty by defining an energy poverty line as the minimum quantity of physical energy needed to perform such basic tasks as cooking and lighting. This
paper proposes an alternative measure that is based on
energy demand.

Over 20% of the global population
