In many parts of rural India the use of wood for fuel is the cause of significant environmental and health problems. Efforts to help people switch to cleaner fuels have not been effective and fuelwood use remains high in the countryside.

This study examines household behaviour related to fuelwood collection and use. The focus is on identifying the behavioral transition of fuelwood-using households from collection to purchase. The study examines the theory linking households

Biofuels for good: The emerging biofuels industry in the us could require as much land by 2050 as is currently farmed for food, said a report by a group of 22 international scientists in the October 3 issue of Science magazine. The scientists stated that the biofuels industry, if managed under a sound, science-based policy, could increase domestic energy security and mitigate greenhouse gas

PREDAS is a regional programme to promote household and alternative energies in the Sahel. The programme is implemented by the permanent Interstates Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) with support from the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany.

This article discusses the extent to which the arrival of electricity in Islamic rural Zanzibar has empowered women. Electricity carries a potential for women

This study aims to reveal Sub-Saharan Africa

Accurately determining stove use is important in assessing the impacts and dissemination dynamics of improved stoves programmes. It is also a key component in the calculation of emission reductions for trading carbon offsets, understanding

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) experts suggest that agreement among stakeholders on project objectives, a baseline study and a programme of consistent data collection, review and analysis are the cornerstones of good practice. This article describes an

The evaluation of household energy programmes is a complex and demanding task, but also very important and worthwhile. In this article, a team from the University of Liverpool presents a range of issues that arose from a series of evaluation studies,

Governments in many countries are increasingly aware of the urgent need to make better use of the world's energy resources. Improved energy efficiency is often the most economic and readily available means of improving energy security and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. To support better energy efficiency policy-making and evaluation, the International Energy Agency is developing in-depth indicators of energy use, efficiency trends and CO2 emissions. This publication provides a summary of the key results of the indicators work so far.
