This publication explores the potential of biomass energy to close the urban

This paper studies welfare impacts of household energy use & estimates household minimum energy requirement that could be used as a basis for an energy poverty line.

This study examines the economics literature on options for energy efficiency in India and barriers to their adoption. Interest in the topic reflects the importance of energy both in the development of the Indian economy and in India

The report presents data on level of consumption and its break-up by commodity group. The level of living of an individual is measured by his or her household

In this report commissioned by Christian Aid India, the Vasudha Foundation presents a clear analysis of the lack of progress in rural electrification across India. The report highlights the failure the conventional national grid approach to deliver reliable electricity supplies to rural people in India and presents a viable alternative approach using decentralised renewable power.

The latest issues of both the World Energy Outlook (WEO) and the World Economic and Social Survey (WESS) brought to the fore the importance and urgency of a low carbon revolution in order to align climate and development imperative and digress from

The energy poverty that typifies rural areas of developing countries in Africa is staggering in its proportions. These areas have become trapped in subsistence-level economies characterised by inefficient use of

A survey has been carried out in a cluster of four villages in Amaniganj Block of Faizabad District of Eastern Uttar Pradesh in India. The survey is based on primary and secondary data collected from household and village level questionnaires.

As part of its capacity building efforts, ENERGIA held a regional training of trainers and practitioners on gender mainstreaming in energy projects. The training was held in October 2007 in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Despite the numerous benefits associated with cleaner alternatives, the transition to improved fuels and stoves has not progressed hugely in Sub-Saharan Africa. Why is it that so often, well designed, efficient and clean stoves fail to penetrate the market in developing countries?
