The strategy of building embankments to constrain river flow and to prevent floods in north Bihar has proven to be questionable and flawed. Reliance on a dam-and-reservoir system for that purpose only offers limited protection and even greater risks of flooding in case of damage.


NEW DELH: India and Nepal on Thursday agreed to give a major thrust to partnership and cooperation in the power sector by taking up execution of major hydro power projects, transmission lines and export of power to Nepal to tide over shortage.

The Ministry of Power, Government of India is planning to add around 78,000 MW of power in 11th Five Year Plan which is around 60 per cent increase from the existing capacity. The planners are making big plans for constructing huge coal based, hydro and nuclear power plants in the country. Such a method of planning has serious social, environmental and economic costs.

The government today signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for availing $ 800-million loan for the execution of four major hydroelectric projects under the Clean Energy Development Programme.

Aid for four medium, mega hydel projects will boost power generation plans

Making a major breakthrough in the power sector, the Prem Kumar Dhumal Government today entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to avail $ 800 million (approximately Rs 3,800 crore) funding for hydel power generation.

SHILLONG: The 110-MW Pare Hydro Electric Project, earlier known as Dikrong project, in Papumpare district of Arunachal Pradesh has been cleared by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) for execution by North Eastern Electric Power Corporation (NEEPCO), informed sources in the Union Ministry of Power said on Monday.

Bangaluru, N
STATING that the Tamil Nadu Government had shown a positive response by setting up four hydro power projects along the Cauvery, Union Minister of State for Power and Commerce Jairam Ramesh, on Monday, appealed to the Karnataka Government to make its stand on the issue clear. The projects had been pending for a long time due to disputes between the two states.


Hydropower is often believed to be an inherently
