After reports of China trying to divert the waters of Brahmaputra, now friendly Bhutan has been found releasing excess river water to India causing heavy floods in the down stream North East.
The focus over the years in many African countries has been large-scale hydropower schemes. Recent studies have shown that electricity generation through small hydropower (SHP) is gaining owing to its short gestation period, low investment and least environmental impacts.
NEW DELHI: India and Nepal, seeking to expand cooperation in the power sector, have identified four trans-border transmission corridors for implementation to enhance power exchange between the two countries and to make the initiative bankable.
SHILLONG : Several NGOs from West Khasi Hills have set a deadline of December 31 for the MPA Government to invite fresh competitive bidding on Kynshi project and warned of intensive agitation in the entire district if the demand is not met.
This report presents a conceptual framework that can be used by stakeholders concerned by the development and management of shared freshwater resources. The objective is to promote the sustainable and equitable use of transboundary water resources,
Comparing the strategic priorities and policy principles of the World Commission on Dams, the sustainability guidelines and sustainability assessment protocol of the International Hydropower Association, and the performance standards of the World Bank
As a region of great geographic, ecological, social, and cultural
diversity, the Himalayas are a true global heritage. They are
also the source of some of Asia