Technology to capture carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants and store them underground will be ready by 2015 and could be in wide use in the United States by 2020, according to the top executive at American Electric Power Co Inc.

General Electric's Energy Financial Services is working on thousands of megawatts of renewable energy projects, but is not likely to move forward until the U.S. government decides on rules for new grants, an executive in the company's energy business said on Tuesday.

Rain can only bring about a change in the present grim power scenario in the State. This is because of the State's over dependence on the hydel power stations to meet its power needs. However, to get some relief, the State has pleaded with the Central Government for allocation of 50 MW to 100 MW more power and this plea is under active consideration of the Centre.

Energy capacity needs to be increased by 10,000 megawatts until 2015 and is hoping foreign investors can help it halt damaging power cuts, investment minister Waqar Ahmed Khan said on Friday. Waqar Ahmed Khan said Pakistan was looking at foreign firms to help it deal with its energy shortfall, which has seen regular blackouts that have prompted riots in Karachi.

Punjab is set to generate 275 MW power on canal falls and tail races of hydel channels from the mini-hydel projects and was planning to generate 100 MW more in three years spending Rs 1,000 crore.

The Government of Sri Lanka and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) signed a $160 million loan agreement yesterday for the development of the country

Austrian Ambassador, Dr Michael Stigelbauer on Thursday called on the Minister for Water and Power, Raja Pervez Ashraf and discussed various matters of mutual interest and possibilities of investment and technical co-operation in water and power sector.

Federal Minister for Water and Power, Raja Pervez Ashraf said that the allocation of more than Rs 100 billion in the budget 2009-10 for ongoing and new projects was a good sign for future of the country especially for ensuring provision of electricity to all.

MUMBAI: Though Maharashtra's power generation from coal (thermal power) has gone up manifold, the power being generated from water (hydro power) and natural gas has dipped considerably. Several such units are being phased out slowly, thereby increasing the gap between the installed capacity and the actual generation.

Mr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Our Bureau

Gandhinagar, May 28
