New Delhi: There is further trouble on the monsoon front. The northward advance of the monsoon is likely to be held up by another week leading to a delay in the sowing of Kharif crops in most of central and north peninsular India.

BHUBANESWAR: With monsoon playing truant and there is no sign of its revival in the next one week, kharif operations, particularly direct sown paddy in up-land and medium land, will be considerably delayed. As majority of the cultivable area is rainfed, delay in the onset of monsoon will upset the kharif programme.

No winter This could be a recipe for more natural disasters, like the 2005 deluge, says Nidhi Jamwal The climate in Indian cities like Mumbai is warming up fast

a one-off event. The climate in Indian cities, like Mumbai, is warming up fast and this could be a recipe for more natural disasters, says the India Meteorological Department (IMD)


Ranchi, June 9: It is rise of the machines to predict the unpredictable.

Mumbai The current hot and sultry weather of Mumbai is here to stay, at least for a while, with no monsoon activity at sight on the western coast, the India Meteorology Department (IMD) said on Sunday.

The maximum temperature in Mumbai hovered around 35.5

Archita Bhatta Scientists pore over data to explain the unusual weather They can

The India Meteorological Department defines heat waves under two categories. The first category includes places where the normal maximum temperature is more than 40


On Saturday, the India Meteorological Department declared that the monsoon had set in over Kerala more than a week ahead of its usual date. An early start to the rainy season will be especially welcome in this southern State where last year

Mumbai The south-west monsoon has advanced to South Karnataka touching Mangalore on Monday, the India Meteorological Department announced.
