BHUBANESWAR: Orissa already among top investment destinations, the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) has chalked out plans which will give industries a regulatory frame-work that is responsive, efficient, equipped with a sound enforcement mechanism and scientific at the same time.

The pollution watchdog of the State has already stitched up plans for the future by readying its Vision-2030 wh

Consumer-connect, sustainable strategies and adopting new technologies can salvage the sector from its faceless existence

INSTITUTIONS make choices at forks on their journey and embark on distinctive trajectories. The choice made is influenced by its culture and mindset.

Mandi, September 2
Power producers and the Himachal government are planning to contest the recommendations of the Shukla Committee before the High Court.

Pollution and displacement increasingly threaten the life and livelihood-indeed the very existence - of several rural communities. Panchayati Raj can play a very important role in checking this, but this potential has not been adequately realised yet. A lot of work needs to be done to realise this potential of panchayat raj in checking pollution and displacement.

The Himachal Pradesh government has decided to leave it to the Supreme Court to decide on the fate of Netherlands-based company Brakel Corporation, which was allotted the mega 960 MW Jangi-Thopan power project but the allotment was later set aside by the High Court.

KEITH BRADSHER Hong Kong, 9 August

Earlier this summer, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of China promised to use an

Gurgaon: With the government yet to find a solution to power shortage that has crippled industrial units in Udyog Vihar, industrialists in the area have decided to set up their own power plants through public-private partnership (PPP). The industry association has prepared a plan to construct four captive power plants, each having a capacity of 40MW, at a cost of Rs 40 crore.

The only lesson learnt by MLAs: Scotland more stringent in enforcing pollution checks

THE issue of mercury leak in the eco-sensitive Pambar Shola forest in Kodaikanal from Hin dustan Lever's thermometer factory was firs brought to notice in 2001 by factory workers and environmental groups.

Co Sourcing Products From Local Drugmakers

