Enable Block: 

The setting up of a national research body and reviving the cabinet committee on science and technology are among the steps the government is considering to promote a scientific temper in the country.

A modified furnace reduces coke consumption and pollution, resulting in considerable savings.

NO OTHER region of India has paid a heavier price for India's industrialisation than the Damodar valley, which traverses the poor states of Bihar and West Bengal. Rich in coal resources, the region

The new US Environmental Protection Agency administrator Carol Browner, the new Environmental Protection Agency administrator, has a tough job ahead, balancing ecology and industry.

DETERMINING biological oxygen demand (BOD), an important pollution indicator, from urban sewage wastes will now be easier and faster. Scientists at the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology in

As per capita private consumption declines in the country, the number of its poor is increasing.

CHINESE science is going the market way. A new policy recommends the withdrawal of state funding for twothirds of the country's research scientists. But scientists protest their work has vital

Northern activists join the South's campaign for equal environmental space for all.

The plastics industry in USA maintains its green image by deviously exporting used containers to developing countries for disposal, finds Greenpeace, an international environment group.

Babu Lala Sharma, Chairperson, Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha 92, United Newspapers, 4 Windsor Place, New Delhi 110 001 G N A Nayar, Chairman, M N Sreedharan Nair, General Convenor,
