
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has granted the Moroccan Motorway Company (ADM) 80 million euros (90.4 million U.S.

A new law that seeks to regulate the management and control of Kampala city's green infrastructure is in the offing.

Government has committed over $1 billion for road construction and rehabilitation with various projects underway across the country under the 2019 Road Development Programme.

The government of Somalia and Ethiopia have launched a US $400m road project that will link Ethiopia’s border town of Togochale to Berbera Port in Somalia.

This paper proposes a framework for defining risk metrics to capture climate resilience in infrastructure assets.

This paper proposes a framework for defining risk metrics to capture climate resilience in infrastructure assets.

Uttarakhand witnessed a devastating natural disaster during 15 to 17 June 2013 in the form of cloud bursts and heavy to very heavy rainfall in most parts of the higher reaches of Himalayas. This unprecedented rainfall resulted in flash floods and landslides at various locations and caused widespread damage to life and property.

This paper conducts an assessment of the global costs for expanding, upgrading, and improving irrigation infrastructure in developing countries, along different future scenarios toward 2050. It uses the GLobal BIOsphere Management Model, a partial equilibrium model of the global agricultural and forestry sectors.

Beyond the Gap: How Countries Can Afford the Infrastructure They Need while Protecting the Planet aims to shift the debate regarding investment needs away from a simple focus on spending more and toward a focus on spending better on the right objectives, using relevant metrics.

The world is already experiencing severe impacts of climate change, from extreme heat waves, sea level rise to species die-offs and crop failures. Must act quickly to stabilize global warming below 1.5° C (2.7° F) to avoid much greater threats, as the IPCC report released last October made crystal clear.
