VEENA KALRA, who is with the department of paediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences AIIMS , New Delhi, is conducting research to determine the lead levels in blood among children and to identify the source and magnitude of the problem of lead

The US military pumps over 700 million rounds of ammunition, or some 2,000 tonnes of lead into the environment every year during training. The metal pollutes the water supply and poisons the

Despite international regulations and campaigning by environmentalists, hazardous waste continues to be dumped in India

• The prestigious Sasakawa-dha Disaster Prevention Award for 1997 by the United Nations has been awarded to Anand Swarup Arya, an internationally renowned earthquake expert. • The

Some popular Indian brands of tea have high levels of lead

Lead poisoning in children is causing a storm in New York. A large number of cases seeking action against lead poisoning are pending in courts. Lead is present in nume

Leaded gasoline causes about 90 per cent of airborne lead pollution in cities, the rest of which comes from

Francisco Gil and his colleagues at the University of Granada, Spain, have found that teeth from children and adults that contain high concentrations of lead have more caries, plaque and dental

ALL those who swear by traditional medicine are in for a shock. A recent study conducted by a pharmacologist from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, reveals that several

To enforce the use of unleaded petrol in existing two-and three-wheeler vehicles, the Supreme Court of India recently directed the Union government to submit a scheme for supply of unleaded petrol
