Ethiopia’s highlands traditionally have a built-in protection for the people who live there.

Hyderabad: The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) is planning to release Gambusia fishes into water bodies to control vector borne diseases this monsoon.

Earlier, the court had directed the NVBDCP to “make a comprehensive action plan from every angle, which the municipal and civic authorities must implement, so that the problem of vector-borne disea

Four cases of dengue and one case each of chikungunya and falciparum malaria have been reported in the same period.

Delhi has so far reported 50 cases of dengue and 105 cases of chikungunya, a report prepared by South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) stated on Monday.

The vector-borne disease like dengue, Japanese Encephalitis and malaria have broken out in various places of Golaghat district.

Lubango - At least 1,178 people died of malaria over the last 15 months in southern Huila province.

This is because both the vaccines undergoing trials will take several years to reach the counters.

NEW DELHI: Cases of dengue continue to increase in spite of high temperature.

The Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI) has been releasing its annual publication "National Health Profile (NHP)" on a regular basis since the calendar year 2005. This publication of vital national significance brings out very substantial health information under six major indicators viz, Demographic, Socio-economic, health status, health finance, health infrastructure and human resources for the specified calendar year and much more relevant information required for an efficient public health system in our country.
