An estimated 820 million people did not have enough to eat in 2018, up from 811 million in the previous year, which is the third year of increase in a row.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Status Report on Malnutrition of Children, 11/07/2019. The data on nutritional indicators is captured under the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) conducted by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The State-wise prevalence of malnutrition in children as per NFHS-4 (2015-16) is Annexed.

As South Sudan prepares to mark eight years of independence, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) called on all parties to the conflict to utilize the extension to the peace deal and work towards en

Among social groups, stunting is highest amongst children from the Scheduled Tribes (43.6%), followed by Scheduled Castes (42.5%) and Other Backwards Castes (38.6%).
State of deficit

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Rising Malnourishment Among Children, 27/06/2019, As per the report of National Family Health Survey (NFHS) – 4 conducted by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in 2015-16, 35.7% children under 5 years of age are underweight and 38.4% are stunted.

Country needs to double its efforts to control malnutrition

Almost one in three Indian children under five years will still be stunted by 2022 going by current trends, according to an analysis of the country’s food and nutrition security released.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Malnutrition Among Children, 21/06/2019. As per National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) 35.7% of under-five children are underweight, 21% wasted, and 38.4% stunted across the country. State/UT-wise detail is enclosed in Annexure – I. The specific programs which have bearing on nutritional status of women and children and their expenditure is enclosed at Annexure -II.

Because malnutrition in early life significantly affects the physical and mental development of children, addressing malnutrition is fundamental to the development of Vietnam’s human capital. Economic development of the nation depends on the strength, resilience, and intelligence of its workforce.

More than a quarter of a billion children better off today than 20 years ago. But one in four children still denied right to a safe and healthy childhood, with children living in or fleeing conflict zones among the most disadvantaged.
