The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has launched an airlift operation to deliver life-saving food supplies to 18,000 people in Zemio, 1000 km East of the capital Bangui.

Agriculture's vast potential to improve nutrition is just beginning to be tapped. New ideas, research, and initiatives developed over the past decade have created an opportunity for reimagining and redesigning agricultural and food systems for the benefit of nutrition.

The situation in the eight places in the world with the highest number of people in need of emergency food support shows that the link between conflict and hunger remains all too persistent and deadly, according to a new report by the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP).

Malnutrition in all its forms, including obesity, undernutrition, and other dietary risks, is the leading cause of poor health globally. In the near future, the health effects of climate change will considerably compound these health challenges. Climate change can be considered a pandemic because of its sweeping effects on the health of humans and the natural systems we depend on (ie, planetary health).

Today, more than 8.1 million Nepalis live in poverty. Women and girls are more likely to be poor, despite the significant contribution they make to the economy, especially through unpaid care and household work. More than one-third of Nepal’s children under 5 years are stunted, and 10% suffer wasting due to acute malnutrition.

"Leaving no one behind" is an overarching principle of the Sustainable Development Goals. Many countries are prioritizing resources for those who are furthest behind. Existing malnutrition indicators—underweight, stunting, wasting, overweight, and severe wasting—are headcount ratios.

Rajasthan’s tribal community in Shahbad region facing poverty, unemployment and malnutrition

The objective of this Strategic Review is to inform the government on how best to achieve SDG2 by 2030 in the context of transformative sustainable development by outlining the food security and nutrition landscape, the policy and programmatic environment, and best practices for a cohesive action plan.

The progress report on SDGs implementation in Bangladesh has been prepared following a methodological framework. This involves a thorough understanding of the 7th Five Year Plan document, and the documents related to SDGs prepared by General Economics Division of the Bangladesh Planning Commission.

The study attempts to provide insights into the relationships among child nutritional status, welfare and health among households and how these have evolved in Nigeria using the 2003, 2008, and 2013 children recode data of the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) for Nigeria.
