The number of hungry people in the world is growing, reaching 821 million in 2017 or one in every nine people, according to this new report on the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World released by FAO. Hunger has been on the rise over the past three years says the report and calls for urgent action if the Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger is to be achieved by 2030.

Gujarat has been battling child and maternal malnutrition for several years.

The new millennium brought renewed attention to improving the health of women and children. In this same period, direct deaths from conflicts have declined worldwide, but civilian deaths associated with conflicts have increased.

Khartoum — SOME 300 000 South Sudanese children are at high risk of death from malnutrition emanating from deteriorating food insecurity in the war-torn country.

In response to the need to have a holistic information system that can continuously collect, analyse and interpret data related to nutrition, the World Health Organisation (WHO) is supporting the M

IGNORANCE of types of food with the right ingredients among people in the East African region is the main cause of malnutrition in the block.

Monrovia – The Government of Liberia through the Ministries of Agriculture and Health together with food and nutrition sector stakeholders have completed the validation of the Liberia 2018 Comprehe

Twenty-two people are dead and thousands have been left homeless in Niger after torrential rains caused heavy flooding, authorities said.

The UN World Food Program (WFP) has called for more efforts to stop the high level of child stunting in semi-arid northeastern Uganda also known as Karamoja.

The research finds that using a blanket “carbon tax” to restrict global warming to 2C above pre-industrial levels – which is the limit set by the Paris Agreement – would put an additional 45 millio
