More female infants die as compared to males

All major health indicators in the country’s worst-performing States are showing a gradual improvement over the years but inter-State variations persist, according to the second update on the Annual Health Survey (AHS) released here on Thursday.

The survey points out that the rural-urban divide is highest in Assam for infant mortality rate

Even as infant and maternal mortality rates dropped significantly in nine states, which account for half the country’s population, the disparity between these rates in urban and rural areas as well as between different states hasn’t decreased, according to the Annual Health Survey (2012-13) released by the Office of Registrar General & Census Commissioner.

Recruitment of women in the periconceptional period to clinical studies using traditional advertising through medical establishments is difficult and slow. Given the widespread use of the internet as a source for medical information and research, we analyze the impact of social media in the second phase of an ongoing randomized, open-label clinical trial among pregnant women. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of social media as a recruitment tool through the comparison of diverse recruitment techniques in two different phases of the trial.

Limited research has been done on the relationships between childhood factors and adult physical health related quality of life, with the underlying pathways not fully elucidated. Data from 2292 participants of the British 1946 birth cohort were used to examine the relationship of childhood characteristics and family environment with principal component summary (PCS) scores and the physical functioning (PF) subscale of the SF-36 at age 60–64 years.

The health care delivery system of Maldives is organized into a four-tier referral system with the island level health facilities referring patients to higher level health facilities in the atolls, regions and to central level depending upon the need and service availability.

The death of a woman after delivering a child has brought to fore Jharkhand’s poor maternal health status.

Human exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) has been associated with adverse health outcomes, including reproductive function in adults1 and neurodevelopment in children exposed perinatally.2 Exposure to BPA is primarily through dietary ingestion, including consumption of canned foods.3 A less-studied source of exposure is thermal receipt paper,4 handled daily by many people at supermarkets, ATM machines, gas stations, and other settings. We hypothesized that handling of thermal receipts significantly increases BPA exposure, but use of gloves during handling minimizes exposure.

Deaths Occurred In Two PHCs In Pratapgarh Dist

A recently held investigation by an NGO found five maternal deaths in the last one-and-a-half months beginning December 15, 2013 in two primary health centres (PHCs) in Mungana and Naya Boriya of Dharyawad sub-division of the newly created Pratapgarh district.

The first 24 hours of a child's life are the most dangerous, with more than one million babies dying each year on their first and only day of life, according to this new report published by Save the Children. Says that one half of first day deaths around the world could be prevented if the mother and baby had access to free health care and a skilled midwife.

Chennai: If your child was born in the last few years, he or she is likely to live five years more than children born a decade ago.
