Despite being the number one state on several parameters, Haryana lags behind several other states when it comes to the infant mortality rate (IMR) and the maternal mortality rate (MMR).

Out of every 1,000 children born in Haryana, 42 die within a year of their birth while 162 out of 1 lakh mothers die during childbirth.

As the government struggles to pursue development goals effectively, the United Nations (UN) has for the first time invited India’s civil society to voice opinions on steps to make a new agenda wor

India’s sheer size and poverty have meant that addressing the needs of its hundreds of millions of poor and vulnerable citizens has preoccupied Indian policymakers since independence. Unsurprisingly, the mix of strategies, the resulting policy instruments to undergird them and their relative effectiveness have been a matter of contentious debate.

Urgent calls have been made for improved understanding of changes in coverage of maternal, newborn, and child health interventions, and their country-level determinants. The researchers examined historical trends in coverage of interventions with proven effectiveness, and used them to project rates of child and neonatal mortality in 2035 in 74 Countdown to 2015 priority countries.

Cos Asked To Set Aside 2% Of Avg Net Profits Of Last 3 Yrs As Seed Capital

Companies which were hoping to fulfill their corporate social responsibility (CSR) obligations, introduced by the recently enacted Companies Act, 2013, through the easy route of donations or activities that would exclusively benefit their employees and families are in for a rude shock.

South Africa is increasingly focused on reducing maternal mortality. Documenting variation in access to maternal health services across one of the most inequitable nations could assist in re-direction of resources.

A welfare project entitled "Improving Maternal and Child Nutrition (IMCN)" launched in August, 2011 runs smoothly creating positive impacts to the undernourished mothers and children in the distric

The chief minister’s flagship programme of Balam Sukham Mission that was launched with much fanfare before the assembly polls last year, stands caught in the inter-departmental crossfire.

Despite all the hype and hoopla over the free medicine scheme of the state government, the poor standards of health along with education and infrastructure have forced the Planning Commission to re

Nepal MDGs Progress Report 2013 points out, the Government of Nepal’s commitment to achieving the MDGs, coupled with required policy reforms has borne fruit. Nepal is on track and is likely to achieve most of its MDG targets, despite the prolonged political instability.
