This new report published by the World Bank and IHME presents key changes in the leading causes of premature mortality and disability in South Asia. It explores intraregional differences in diseases, injuries, and the risk factors.

Foreign minister Dipu Moni on Thursday said Bangladesh and UNFPA would work closely to further improve maternal and reproductive health as well as population dynamics under post-2015 development ag

SAARC Development Goals are regionalized from of Millennium Development Goals, with some additional targets and indicators, for the period of five years, 2007-12.

SHILLONG: Around 64.4 per cent of the children in the state are suffering from malnutrition while 47.2 per cent of the women are anaemic.

A sharp rise in maternal and infant death rates has been noticed in the district, thanks to the trend of underage marriage.

It suggests implementation of health, nutrition and development programmes

A study by the National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, on the death of tribal infants in Attappady noted that “high maternal under-nutrition of 48 per cent of adult women leading to chronic energy deficiency” resulted in the death of a large number of infants.

Recognizing Sri Lanka's need to meet the public health demands and challenges and government's efforts to improve health sector, the World Bank has granted a US$ 200 million loan to support the cou

The government has planned to expand the five-year Multi-Sector Nutritional Plan (MSNP), that aims to reduce chronic malnutrition by one third of the current prevalence of 41 percent of the childre

Acknowledging that maternal mortality rate in the state is 8.9% due to unsafe abortions and around 15,000 women die annually across the nation due to it, the NRHM (National Rural Health Mission) au

हर साल चार लाख से ज्यादा शिशुओं की जन्म के चौबीस घंटों के दौरान ही मौत हो जाती है। वहीं लगभग दो लाख बच्चे अपना पांचवा जन्मदिन भी नहीं देख पाते। अंतरराष्ट्रीय एनजीओ सेव द चिल्ड्रन की रिपोर्ट ने भारत
