GERMAN scientists say an understanding of car crashes could help childbirth specialists tell if a woman needs a Caesarean section (International Business Week, No 3327-657). The team of

THIS YEAR'S Nobel prize -- worth $825,000 -- for physiology and medicine has been awarded jointly to UK's Richard Roberts and USA's Phillip Sharp for their 1977 discovery of "split genes". The

Scientists are focussing on strengthening genetically the defence mechanism of mosquitoes so as to render them inhospitable to the malarial parasite.

Some scientists claim tumours might be formed because cells refuse to die and not because they multiply at a high rate.

A recent study suggests a link between genes and foul temper.

A new computer software that converts a two dimensional image into a three dimensional one is expected to radically transform medical science.

SWEDISH doctors have developed a painkilling device that can be implanted into the spine to relieve patients suffering from angina pectoris -- pain in the chest brought on by exertion and caused by

Tissue taken from aborted foetuses and implanted into the bodies of patients suffering from several incurable diseases has shown encouraging results

Scientists have hit on a gene that decides exactly where internal organs will be positioned in the body of a mouse

WANT A healthy heart? Then eat a lot of walnuts. Just 28 grams of walnuts a day would be perfect, recommends a recent study that found the nuts to be an excellent source of heart-friendly fatty
