Enable Block: 

The Global Strategy (2016-2030) is a roadmap to achieve right to the highest attainable standard of health for all women, children and adolescents –to transform the future and ensure every newborn, mother and child not only survives, but thrives.

Punjab and Haryana figure on the list of major states in the country that are set to miss the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of reducing Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) by three-fourths till the S

Ghana has formally launched the final Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) report in Accra on Tuesday.

As per National Health Profile 2015, there will be 19 percent increase in cancer among men by 2020 with mouth cancer registering the highest spike and a 23 percent increase among women with gall bladder cancer showing the sharpest increase. The cancer incidence in men will rise from the current 522164 to 622203 in 2020 warns this report released by J.P Nadda, the Union Minister for Health on Sep 22, 2015.

With the United Nations set to discuss the post-2015 global development agenda for sustainable development in a conference which is to take place in New York between September 25 and 27, where Prim

Fifteen years after the launch of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and a decade after G7 leaders gathered in Gleneagles to promise to ‘make poverty history’, the end of extreme poverty is within reach.

The 2015 Report continues to monitor the five core domains of the Global Partnership for Development, namely, official development assistance (ODA), market access (trade), debt sustainability, access to affordable essential medicines and access to new technologies, as prescribed by MDG 8.

Malaria death rates have plunged by 60% since 2000, translating into 6.2 million lives saved, the vast majority of them children, according to a joint WHO-UNICEF report released today.

This report presents innovative policies and progammes which countries have adopted to accelerate progress on the MDGs.

The practice of open defecation in Ghana is still very alarming, with current data suggesting that almost a quarter of the Ghanaian population do not use any latrine facility.
