Finding a solution to chromium pollution in the Sukinda valley

World s biggest gold valley was flooded by the metal three billion years ago

Boron suboxide may be the new second hardest material

Heads of panchayats arrived in the Capital to demand the power to effectively run the traditional self government

• For effective development and utilisation of its natural resources, the Orissa government intends to draft a mineral policy soon. Along with this, the state also wants to formulate a gems

The focus of the country study is to prepare on overview of the mining (including processing of ore) and mineral industry and its impacts on sustainable development.This report seeks to provide an overview of the mining and minerals sector in India and the issues that have a bearing on the role of the sector in the society, economy and environment of the country.

Regional gravity and magnetic surveys were carried out over the Archaeoan-Proterozoic Crystallines of Betul district, Madhya Pradesh covering an area of 130 Uranium mineralization in the area is hoted by the graphitic schist unit of older metasediments of Sonaghati and Junawani areas.

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Niobium, an element scientists searched for in the Earth s mantle, is found in the core instead

a breakthrough research has found a method to extract nickel and cobalt from the waste ore that is left behind after chromium is extracted from the Sukhinda mines in Orissa. The process,

RESERVES of platinum have been found for the first time in India at Baula-Nuashahi in Orissa by the Geological Survey of India (gsi). The concentration of platinum found in the region is believed
